Another disappointing weekend for Bollywood, Goodbye starring Amitabh Bachchan and Rashmika Mandanna crashes at the box office. The comedy-drama film opened to poor response on Day 1 despite discounted ticket prices and began its theatrical run with a mere ₹ 0.93 Crore. The movie has managed to collect only ₹ 3.78 Crore in India within three days of its release.
The movie was written and directed by Vikas Bahl. It is produced by Shobha Kapoor, Ektaa R Kapoor, Saraswati Entertainment Pvt Ltd, Viraj Sawant, and Vikas Bahl. The movie also stars Neena Gupta, Pavail Gulati, Ashish Vidyarthi, Sunil Grover, Elli AvrRam, Sahil Mehta, Shivin Narang, and Abhishekh Khan.
Goodbye got released across 1000+ screens in India and is estimated to be made on a budget of ₹ 30 Crore including the Production and Prints & Advertising Cost.
Day Wise Domestic Collection :
Days | Box Office Collection |
Friday | ₹ 0.93 Crore |
Saturday | ₹ 1.35 Crore |
Sunday | ₹ 1.50 Crore |
Total | ₹ 3.78 Crore |