Tejas starring Kangana Ranaut becomes the fifth consecutive flop for her after Dhaakad, Thalaivii, Panga, and Judgementall Hai Kya. The movie began its theatrical run with ₹ 1.20 Crore. The action film collected a mere ₹ 4.02 Crore in India within eight days of its release. It was released on 27th Oct 2023 and is estimated to be made on a budget of ₹ 60 Crore.
The film is written & directed by Sarvesh Mewara and produced by Ronnie Screwvala under RSVP movies. The movie also stars Anshul Chauhan, Varun Mitra, Ashish Vidyarthi, and Vishak Nair. Kangana’s last nine releases of ten have been flops at the box office. The list includes Tejas, Dhaakad, Thalaivii, Panga, Judgementall Hai Kya, Simran, Rangoon, Katti Batti, and I Love NY.