Akshay Kumar’s latest comedy-drama Khel Khel Mein, co-starring Ammy Virk, Fardeen Khan, Aditya Seal, Taapsee Pannu, Vaani Kapoor, and Pragya Jaiswal, has crossed the ₹ 10 Crore mark at the domestic box office. The film saw a positive uptick on its first Sunday, bringing in ₹ 3.75 Crore on Day 4, pushing its total collection to ₹ 13.95 Crore. Despite a dip in collections on Friday, the film managed to gain traction over the weekend.
Khel Khel Mein is a remake of the 2016 Italian film Perfect Strangers and has received a mixed response from audiences and critics alike. Directed by Mudassar Aziz and produced by White World Productions, Wakaoo Films, and T-Series. With Stree 2 dominating the charts and Vedaa also in the running, Khel Khel Mein will need sustained momentum in the coming days to hold its ground amidst the fierce Independence Day competition.
Day Wise Domestic Collection:
Days |
Box Office Collection
Thursday | ₹ 5.23 Crore |
Friday | ₹ 2.42 Crore |
Saturday | ₹ 3.40 Crore |
Sunday | ₹ 3.75 Crore |
Total (4 Days) | ₹ 13.95 Crore |