Kota Factory 3 series is created by Saurabh Khanna, showrunner Raghav Subbu, directed by Pratish Mehta and produced by The Viral Fever. The show is written by Punnet Batra (Head Writer), Pravin Yadav, Nikita Lalwani, Manish Chandwani.
Star Cast:
Jitendra Kumar as Jeetu Bhaiya
Mayur More as Vaibhav
Ranjan Raj as Balmukund Meena
Alam Khan as Uday Gupta
Revathi Pillai as Vartika
Ahsaas Channa as Shivangi
Urvi Singh as Meenal
Tillotama Shome as Pooja Didi
Rajesh Kumar as Gagan Sir
Sohaila Kapur as Dr Sudha Vyas
WEB SERIES REVIEW: The latest season of Kota Factory continues to deliver the compelling storytelling and poignant moments that fans have come to expect. Season 3 brings a more mature and nuanced perspective to the education hub of Kota, tackling real issues with depth and sincerity. It not only entertains but also sparks important conversations about the pressures faced by students and educators in the pursuit of academic excellence.
Kota Factory has been lauded for its strong writing and powerful dialogues, and this season is no exception. The narrative delves into the mental health challenges faced by both students and teachers in the high-pressure environment of IIT and NEET preparation. The combination of strong writing, stellar performances, and a mature approach to storytelling makes this season worth watching.
Jitendra Kumar reprises his role with an even more mature performance, capturing the complexities of his character with remarkable ease. Mayur More, Ranjan Raj, and Revathi Pillai also excel in their roles. Urvi Singh’s character is underutilized this season. Alam Khan and Ahsaas Channa provide much-needed moments of humor, balancing the more intense and dramatic elements of the series. Rajesh Kumar and Tillotama Shome deliver perfect performances.
Kota Factory Season 3 Rating:
Direction 3.5/5
Acting 4/5
Dialogues 3.5/5
Story 3.5/5
Screenplay 3/5
Overall Hit ya Flop Rating: 3.5 out of 5 Stars (Very Good)