PLOT: The film revolves around a red coloured suitcase. The story is about the life of a middle-class man who discovers a red suitcase filled with cash. The film showcases how he is tracked down by a notorious gangster, an honest police officer, and a minister.
Lootcase is a Hindi-language comedy film produced by Fox Star Studios and directed by Ad-maker-turned-director Rajesh Krishnan who is all geared up to mark his debut with the film. It was scheduled for theatrical release on 10th April 2020 but the release has been postponed due to COVID-19 pandemic. It was released on 31 July 2020 on Disney+ Hotstar.
Star Cast:
Kunal Khemu as Nandan Kumar
Rasika Dugal as Nandan’s wife Lata
Gajraj Rao as Minister Patil
Vijay Raaz as Bala Rathore
Ranvir Shorey as Inspector Kolte
Aryan Prajapati as Nandan’s Son
Shashi Ranjan as Abdul
Sumit Nijhawan as Omar
Lootcase Movie Rating:
Direction 3/5
Acting 3.5/5
Dialogues 3.5/5
Story 2.5/5
Screenplay 2.5/5
Overall Hit ya Flop Rating: 3 out of 5 Stars (Good)
Watch it if you want to have a good laughter. This cat-and-mouse chase is filled with fine humour and funny dialogues.
All the actors delivered a good performance but they all deserve better writing than this. No dull moments in the first half but film drops in the second half.
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