Kabir Singh starring Shahid Kapoor and Kiara Advani had a great start at the Indian box office. The movie began its theatrical run with ₹ 20.21 Crore and emerges as Shahid’s biggest opener ever beats Padmaavat first day collection of ₹ 19 Crore. The drama film has collected ₹ 70.83 Crore in India within three days of its release and surpasses the opening weekend collection of Total Dhamaal (₹ 62.40 Crore)
It is an official remake of Telugu blockbuster movie Arjun Reddy starring Vijay Deverakonda and Shalini Pandey in titular roles. Sandeep Reddy Vanga who has directed the original film has helmed the remake as well. It is jointly produced by Cine1 Studios and T-Series.
The movie also starring Soham Majumdar Arjan Bajwa, Nikita Dutta, Suresh Oberoi, Adil Hussain and Kamini Kaushal. The film focuses on the title character, an alcoholic surgeon who goes on a self-destructive path after his girlfriend is forced to marry someone else. The movie has impressed the audience and received mixed reviews from most of the critics but most of them praise the film and for Shahid’s performance.
Kabir Singh got released across 3616 screens worldwide which includes 3123 screens in India and 493 in overseas. It is made on a budget of ₹ 60 Crore including the Production cost and Prints & Advertising Cost.
Day Wise Collection :
Days | Box Office Collection |
Friday | ₹ 20.21 Crore |
Saturday | ₹ 22.71 Crore |
Sunday | ₹ 27.91 Crore |
Total | ₹ 70.83 Crore |