Dream Girl starring Ayushmann Khurrana and Nushrat Bharucha got a good start at the Indian box office. The movie began its theatrical run with ₹ 10.05 Crore and emerges as Ayushmann’s highest opener film beats Badhaai Ho (2018) ₹ 7.35 Crore. The comedy film has collected ₹ 44.57 Crore in India within three days of its release. The movie also starring Annu Kapoor, Manjot Singh, Vijay Raaz, Abhishek Banerjee, Nidhi Bisht, Raj Bhansali and Rajesh Sharma in supporting roles.
Ayushmann Khurrana’s Highest Weekend Openers:
Position | Movie | Release Year | Opening Weekend Collection |
1 | Badhaai Ho | 2018 | ₹ 45.70 Crore (extended 4 days) |
2 | Dream Girl | 2019 | ₹ 44.57 Crore |
3 | Article 15 | 2019 | ₹ 20.04 Crore |
4 | AndhaDhun | 2018 | ₹ 15 Crore |
5 | Shubh Mangal Saavdhan | 2017 | ₹ 14.46 Crore |
6 | Bareilly Ki Barfi | 2017 | ₹ 11.52 Crore |
It revolves around the life of a man who is caught up in a comedy of errors. Educated but unemployed Karamvir Singh lands a job at a ‘friendship call centre’ and takes on a woman’s voice for his telephonic conversations. It has received unanimously positive reviews. The audience, as well as critics, are raving about the movie’s humorous plot, backed by refreshing and stellar performances. Hit ya Flop gave it 3.8 out of 5 stars.
The movie is written and directed by Raaj Shaandilyaa. It is produced by Ekta Kapoor and Shobha Kapoor under their banner Balaji Motion Pictures. Dream Girl got released across 2600 screens in India and estimated to be made on a budget of ₹ 30 Crore including the Production cost and Prints & Advertising Cost.
Day Wise Domestic Collection :
Days | Box Office Collection |
Friday | ₹ 10.05 Crore |
Saturday | ₹ 16.42 Crore |
Sunday | ₹ 18.10 Crore |
Total | ₹ 44.57 Crore |