Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 starring Kartik Aaryan, Kiara Advani, Tabu, and Rajpal Yadav got a good start at the box office. The horror comedy film began its theatrical run with ₹ 14.11 Crore. It has collected ₹ 55.96 Crore in India on its opening weekend and becomes the highest weekend opener for Kartik. The film is directed by Anees Bazmee and written by Aakash Kaushik. It is produced by Bhushan Kumar & Krishan Kumar under the banner T-Series and Murad Khetani under the banner Cine1 Studios. Hit ya Flop gave it 3 stars out of 5 and rated it as Good.
Dhaakad starring Kangana Ranaut, Arjun Rampal, and Divya Dutta turns out as a disaster at the box office. The action thriller film began its theatrical run with a mere ₹ 0.50 Crore. It has collected ₹ 1.55 Crore in India within three days of its release. The film is directed by Razneesh Ghai in his directorial debut and produced by Deepak Mukut & Sohel Maklai under the banners of Soham Rockstar Entertainment, Sohel Maklai Productions, and Asylum films. Hit ya Flop gave it 1.7 stars out of 5 and rated it as Not Watchable.
Kartik Aaryan’s Highest Opening Weekend Film:
Position | Movie | Release Year | Domestic Nett. |
1 | Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 | 2022 | ₹ 55.96 Crore |
2 | Pati Patni Aur Woh | 2019 | ₹ 35.94 Crore |
3 | Luka Chuppi | 2019 | ₹ 32.13 Crore |
4 | Love Aaj Kal | 2020 | ₹ 28.51 Crore |
5 | Sonu Ke Titu Ki Sweety | 2018 | ₹ 26.57 Crore |
Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 got released across 3200 screens and it is estimated to be made on a budget of ₹ 65 Crore including the Production and Prints & Advertising Cost. Wheres Dhaakad got released across 2200 screens in India and is estimated to be made on a budget of ₹ 85 Crore including the Production and Prints & Advertising Cost.
Day Wise Domestic Collection :
Days/Movies | Bhool Bhulaiyaa 2 | Dhaakad |
Friday | ₹ 14.11 Crore | ₹ 0.50 Crore |
Saturday | ₹ 18.34 Crore | ₹ 0.50 Crore |
Sunday | ₹ 23.51 Crore | ₹ 0.55 Crore |
Total | ₹ 55.96 Crore | ₹ 1.55 Crore |
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